Committed to the Best Data Security and Network Solution for Your Business.

Sunstorm Technologies works with businesses as an IT service and support firm, optimising your data security with a comprehensive slate of services that bolster business resilience and mitigate threats.

We're fully aware of today's businesses' challenges and threats and apply our knowledge to offer best-practice IT support that gives our clients true peace of mind.

What are the Threats?

It's a long list, and every month brings new ones, from the obvious, like new malware versions and innovative DDoS attacks, to the less obvious such as power supply disruptions brought about by international conflicts and climate change.

Here are just a few of the cyber issues the modern business leader has to keep in mind:

  • Network outages
  • Single points of failure
  • Data breaches
  • DoS and DDoS Attacks
  • Server down time
  • Backup failure
  • Phishing attacks and Spam
  • Slow server response times
  • Malware

But these issues shouldn't have to keep you awake at night - that's our job.

The barrage of cyber threats to your networks is evolving, and we're constantly adapting to them. Remote working is the number one cybersecurity risk as so many staff now log in from homes or even cafes with minimal or zero security on their internet connection. The expanding network of IoT (Internet of Things) is increasing the available portals into your networks exponentially, as is the increased availability and use of the cloud as our data sets grow and require more storage. These changes have resulted in an increase in mobile access and blurring the line between when we're at work and when we're at play. This has left networks open to new mobile-based malware and social engineering attacks, assisted by artificial intelligence, appearing across our networks, often without our knowledge and not always benign.

What are our Services?

Our suite of services is aimed at offering you complete protection and peace of mind.


Our modular hosting services make server management and scaling as cost-effective as possible.

Data hosting solutions are spec'd case-by-case to meet individual client requirements. This ensures that the solution we've provided maintains peak performance for long periods and can be scaled appropriately to the client's needs.

Your choices include:

  • Dedicated RAID servers or private virtual servers.
  • Managed services in which we run all the necessary maintenance and monitoring of the server or client-managed services which enable clients to handle everything themselves.
  • Configuration options: Memory sizes (RAM), CPU speed/core counts, operating system, firewalls, logging and user configuration.

Disaster Recovery

On rare occasions, disaster is unavoidable, but a recovery plan will prevent a disaster from becoming a catastrophe.

We help our clients prepare for the worst by identifying pressing threats. These building strategies reduce exposure to these threats and coordinate disaster responses to reduce downtime and quickly restore business-as-usual. Our recovery efforts focus on restoring IT services and preserving data, ensuring your business operations are never compromised.

We'll include procedures to ensure that:

  • LAN, WAN and voice networks are temporarily moveable to virtual servers
  • Data is backed up, mirrored and ready to re-deploy, first to virtual locations and then to bare metal recovery as quickly as possible
  • We know who are the key staff in your organisation to contact in an emergency
  • Your in-house communications to staff and customers are quickly restored
  • Checklists are in-place and implemented quickly
  • Cloud services are used appropriately

We keep all this up to date so that when new technologies emerge, the disaster plan and associated recovery change accordingly, so your business is never down unnecessarily.

Network Security and Monitoring

We provide comprehensive monitoring and security services that enhance network resilience against many forms of cybercrime and help maintain a holistic view of your network. Our proactive support first assesses network vulnerabilities through penetration testing and risk assessments before recommending strategies and solutions that shore up defences.

We go beyond the basics, in addition to regular monitoring, backups, anti-virus measures and anti-malware packages, to deliver on our Service Level Agreements. Our network security solutions include:

  • SSL certificates
  • Malware script databases
  • email spam filtering
  • Two factor authentication
  • DNS firewalls
  • Account isolation
  • Software updates and patches
  • Failed login attempt monitoring

Data flows into and out of your network non-stop - but these flows are neither even nor regular.

Our network performance monitoring ensures that the network stays healthy, safe, and secure. With network traffic monitoring, we can see who's hogging bandwidth and address data bottlenecks in real time.

Because software isn't the only place where problems can occur, we also keep a careful watch on hardware because a single faulty cable in a critical location could result in a partial system failure, leading to downtime of some of your services. We keep all hardware up to date and ensure all firmware has the appropriate updates and patches to cover any potential access points for hackers looking to exploit your data.

Configuration Management

Your servers are the brains that run your IT network, and they come in many guises; File servers, domain controllers, web servers and remote desktop servers. We help our clients to future-proof their IT systems by establishing configuration processes and change protocols that keep upgrades and changes to a minimum while ensuring continuous operation and security.

These protocols include:

  • monitoring RAID status
  • updating RAM requirements
  • monitoring and optimising CPU speeds
  • updating operating systems with patches as they're published
  • reviewing server log files
  • optimising hard disk space
  • checking server logs for alerts and suspicious behaviours
  • updating antivirus software across the network
  • Cloud storage in the event of a system failure

Efficient configuration management also means that your systems are appropriately scaled at all times. Your staff user's accounts change over time, as do your client databases, email requirements and data storage needs. Zombie user accounts are a proven access point for hackers, so our regular reviews with you minimise your exposure to this risk.

Our management protocols keep on top of your actual needs and identify trends that help us react to your changing requirements. These efforts ensure that clients can adapt and scale their IT infrastructure more reliably without running into unexpected compatibility issues, error warnings and downtime.

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to find out how we will keep your business secure.

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